如果之外 如果之外
如果/当 2023年7月31日


节目贡献者:汤姆Skerritt, Veronica卡特赖特, Paul Thies

45年前, 剧组开始制作一部预算有限的电影, under the helm of a director making only his second picture and starring a cast of very talented and accomplished actors who were yet largely unknown. 制片人自己也承认,从各方面来看,这都是一部B级片, 而是凭借情感上引人注目的表演, 一个精心制作的故事和视觉效果,超出了这个世界, they created a stunning experience that literally exploded into a lasting cultural phenomenon.

On this episode of 如果/当 we sat down with two of the legendary cast members of 外星人 – 汤姆Skerritt, 谁扮演达拉斯上尉的角色, 和维罗妮卡·卡特赖特, 谁扮演这艘船的领航员, 兰伯特.



汤姆Skerritt, Emmy winner (Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series) for his series PICKET FENCES, 是美国电影和电视中最多才多艺、最受欢迎的演员之一吗. 加州大学洛杉矶分校电影学院, he acted in theatre and began writing for screen as a means to understand the full embrace of his primary interest, 导演的电影. 在舞台上表演时, he was seen and hired to be in a small film where he met Robert Redford and Sydney Pollack. 后不久, 他遇到了导演罗伯特·奥特曼, 和他一起指导电影制作, 是什么让汤姆出演了电影版的《M*A*S*H. 这导致了一个杰出的长达数十年的职业生涯, starring in such acclaimed films as TURNING POINT (for which Tom won the National Board of Review’s Best Supporting Actor Award), 外星人, 壮志凌云, 钢MAGNOLAS, 一条河穿过它, 联系, 太阳和死亡地带的眼泪. 1994年获得加州大学洛杉矶分校终身成就奖, 汤姆也是许多电视节目的资深演员, 包括在《国务卿夫人》节目中露面, 白宫西翼, 法律 & 秩序:特殊受害者单位,干杯,将 & 格蕾丝和傲骨贤妻. In 2007, 汤姆获得韦恩州立大学颁发的终身成就奖, 随后获得了西雅图雷尼尔俱乐部颁发的桂冠奖. 2011年,他获得了土星最佳客串演员奖-电视.


传奇电影演员 Veronica卡特赖特 began her career as a child actress in the classic films THE CHILDREN'S HOUR (directed by William Wyler), 阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克的《正规博彩十大网站排名》和《正规博彩十大网站排名》. 许多受人喜爱的电影的资深演员, Veronica has appeared in over 50 movies and her resume includes two science fiction classics in the 1970's, Philip Kaufman's remake of INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS and Ridley Scott's masterpiece thriller, 外星人. Veronica starred as Betty Grissom in the epic dramatization of NASA's space program based on Tom Wolfe's novel, 正确的东西, 同样由考夫曼执导. She made an indelible impression on moviegoers in 1987 with her standout performance in THE WITCHES OF EASTWICK. 在维罗妮卡的众多电视作品中,有热门美剧《正规博彩十大网站排名》, CSI网络, 博世, 复活, 实习医生格蕾, 将 & 格蕾丝, 让海狸去做吧, 模糊地带, 哥谭镇的骑士, 阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克, 好医生和X档案. 维罗妮卡曾四次获得艾美奖提名,其中一次获奖. At age 15 she won an Emmy for Best Actress in a television movie called TELL ME NOT IN MOURNFUL NUMBERS. 1997年,她又因在《正规博彩十大网站排名》中的客串角色而获得提名. 休斯顿出演了两集广受好评的《急诊室的故事. In 1998 and 1999 the Television Academy nominated her twice for her pivotal role of Cassandra Spender on Fox's THE X FILES.